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Rules & Regulations

Indian Association of Lawyers

Rules & Regulations

The name of the Society shall be the “Indian Association of Lawyers”(hereinafter called “ The Association’) in these Rules and Regulations.
The office of the Association shall be located in the union territory of Delhi.
The membership of the Association shall be open to all lawyers, judges and law teachers in India who agree with the objects of the Association. The Executive Committee of the Association may admit students of law to membership.
(a) There shall be three categories of members:
(i) Life Member
(ii) Members
(iii) Honorary Members
(b) Members Fees. Membership fee for Life members and members shall be as under:-
(i) Life members Rs. 1000/-
(ii) Members Rs.100/-per year
(iii) Honorary members: The Association may invite eminent judges, Jurists and other personalities to join as Honorary members who shall not be required to pay any membership fee. Such members may be Elected to the offices of the Association.
The Executive Committee may, on Sufficient cause being shown, exempt any members from payment of membership fee.
(a) All Categories of members will be entitled to resign from the membership of the Association by giving notice in writing in this behalf.
(b) The admission of a member shall be in the discretion of the Executive Committee and the decision of the Executive Committee shall be communicated to the applicant. Reasons shall be recorded and communicated in case of rejection of application.
The affairs of the association shall be managed by the Executive Commitee elected by the members in a general meeting in accordance with the bye-laws framed by the Executive Commitee.
The Exceutive Committe shall consist of not more than 60 members including President 1, vice President 21, general Secretaries 3, Secretaries 9, Treasurer 1 , Assistant ttreasurer1 and not more than two members from each state. They shall hold office for three years or till the next conference whichever is leter.
Any vacancy in the Executive Committee shall not invalidate the decision of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall be responsible for promoting the objects of the Society and in particular for-
(a) Carrying out the decisions of the General Meeting.
(b) Controlling the administration and finances of the Association including the opening and operation of the bank accounts and the designation of signers of cheques and Contracts.
(c) Supervising the activities of the Association and keeping in touch with the affairs of the affiliated branches.
It will be competent for the Executive Committee:-
(a) To appoint, remove or suspend employees as it may. From time to time, think fit and to determine their duties and remuneration.
(b) To invest and deal with any of the funds of the Association not immediately required for the purpose there in such securities and in such manner as it may think fit.
(c) To institute, conduct, defend, compound or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the Association or otherwise concerning the affairs of the Association.
(d) To accept specific legacies, donations or funds for the objects of the Association.
(e) To purchase, take on lease or rent or give in lease or rent or otherwise acquire or sell land/property.
(f) To borrow moneys with or with out security.
(g) To make bye/laws to regulate the functions and activities undertaken by the Committee.
The Executive Committee will have the right to co-opt five members and to fill vacancies.
The quorum for the meeting of the Executive Committee shall be 1/3rd of the total members.
A meeting of the Executive Committee may be called on 7 days notice and the posting of agenda to the members under certificate of posting shall constitute sufficient notice to the members.
If a meeting is adjourned for want of quorum, no quorum shall be necessary for the adjourned meeting and no fresh notice shall be required if there is no change in the agenda.
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in three months.
All members of the Executive Committee including the office bearers who are in Delhi shall constitute the Secretariat of the Association. The Secretariat shall be responsive for the day to day functioning of the Association and shall take decisions on behalf of Executive Committee.
6-A. “The National Conference may elect former president (s) of the Association as President Emeritus of the Association for life or for such period as the Conference may specify.”
The Association may have a chief Patron and patrons and may invite eminent jurists to agree to be such patrons.
The Association shall have the following offices the holders of which shall be office bearers:-
President 1
Vice-Presidebts 21
General Secretaries 3
Secretaries 9
Treasurer 1
Assistant Treasurer 1
The office bearers shall be members of the Executive Committee.
The president shall be the Head of the Association.
One of the General Secretaries shall be the Chief Executive Authority acting on behalf at the Association, the Allocation of work between the Secretaries shall be decided by the Executive Committee. The duty of the Secretaries shall be tyo assist the General Secretaries.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the supervision of the finances of the Association. Revenue as well as disbursement. The duty of the Assistant Treasurer shall be to assist him.
Any 20 or more persons eligible to the membership of the Association may form a branch of the Association which may be granted Affiliation. The Branch shall have to pay Rs. 10/- per member each year and in the case of life member, Rs. 100/- Where a state Branch has been granted affiliation, the branches in the cities or district of such a state should seek affiliation with the State Branch. The Brach at the Supreme court shall be treated at per with a State Branch.
The General Meeting of the Association shall be held annually. A minimum of three weeks notice shall be given to the members for such a meeting. If a notice is sent under certificate of posting, it shall be sufficient Compliance with the requirement of giving notice. Among others, the following business shall be transacted at the general Meetings:
(1) Adoption of Accounts
(2) Adoption of the Reports of the general Secretary
(3) Election of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee may at any time call an extraordinary general body meeting to transact any urgent business by giving one week’s notice.
(a) Any 20 members of the Executive Committee may by writing to the General Secretary. Requisition a meeting for such business as may be stated in the requisition.
(b) 250 members of the Association may by writing to the General Secretary requisition an extraordinary general body meeting for such business as may be stated in the requisition.
(c) The General Secretary on receipt of a requisition shall call the requisitioned meeting by giving at least 10 days notice within 14 days of receipt of the requisition in case of emergency 3 days notice will be given no amendments to the Memorandum and rules and regulations shall be considered at such meeting
(a) The financial year of the Association shall be the calendar year
(b) The funds of the Association shall consist of membership fee annual subscription donations and grnts that may be received
(c) The funds of the Association shall be kept in the name of the Association at a Bank or Banks as may be decided by the Executive committee
(d) The Treasurer Assistant Treasurer the president and the General secretaries shall operate the account by any of the two jointly signing all cheques on behalf of the Association The Executive committee may authorise other persons to sign the cheques in the absence of the above mentioned office bearers
(e) All properties and funds shall vest in the Association.
(f) The accounts of the Association shall be audited annually by a qualified auditor as may be decided upon by the Executive Committee.
13. Amendment to These Rule & regulations
An amendment to the Rules and Regulations may be initiated at a special meeting of the Executive Committee convened for this purpose and when the said proposals are passed by it. the proposed amendments shall be placed before the General Body by a majority of its total ordinary membership and by a majority of not less than 2/3rd of its members present and voting. The Rules and Regulations shall stand amended accordingly.
14. Annual List pf Executive Committee
Once in every years list of the office bearers and members of the Association shall be filed with the Registrar of Societies, Delhi as required under Section 4 of the Societies Registration Act 1860 as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi.
15. Legal Proceedings
The Society may sue or be sued in the name of the General Secretary.
16. Amendment
Any kind of amendment in the Memorandum of the Society shall be made as per provisions of Section 12 and 12(A) of the Societies Registration Act of 1860 as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi.
17. Dissolution & Adjustment of Affairs
If the Society needs be dissolved it shall be dissolved as per the provisions laid down under Section 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act of 1860 as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi.
18. Application of the Act
All provisions of the Societies Registration Act of 1860 as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi shall apply to the Society.
We, the undersigned, being three Member of the Executive Committee do hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Association.